
Showing posts from February, 2022

Sticking Your Head Out The Window Like A Spaniel

Sunday's are cack aren't they? Unless you're a believer or a tambourine waver, Sunday's tend to be a day for sitting on the couch, surfing the net or watching crap on Netflix that you've been told you'll like and you've convinced yourself you actually do  like it, despite that deep down feeling that you've seen this done before only done better.  Still, it's on Netflix and it's American so it has  to be good, doesn't it? Meanwhile, here in misery corner, I'm contemplating either watching a random episode of Whose Line Is It Anyway, despite having watched every single episode at least 3 times already. I promised myself that I would start watching movies I hadn't seen before and do a sort of film review thing but that involved too much work, but I might still watch the films anyway.  I currently have Lisztomania (starring Ringo Starr as The Pope) and Shock Treatment (essentially Rocky Horror pt 2) to get through so I might give them a g

Dinner With The Mormon Tabernacle Choir

 In case you don't already know, my blog post titles usually have nothing to do with the content of the post itself.  Unless, by the time you read this, the MTC are on tour, have reached Nottingham and I've been invited to dinner with them, in which case, huzzah! Gotta be honest, that's all I've got so far...'s a picture of  a row of puppies to say say sorry

They Steal Your Trousers When You're Asleep, Ya Know?

I'm sitting here, in a corner of England that is forever Nottingham, feeling quite chuffed with myself that I've managed to rekindle the urge to blog, the stepson is on his laptop and the wife is watching "Ru Paul's Drag Race" on TV. Despite the down-sounding first post, I'm actually quite blessed in many ways.  It's taken me three decades to get into the job I love but I got there and now enjoy at least 8 listeners to my radio show and podcast. Being in radio is both frustrating and cathartic.  Frustrating in the sense that there's so much more to it than just picking music, pressing a button and talking bollocks in between tracks.  For me, and this might shock anyone who knows me, it's the "talking bollocks" part that I find the hardest task. What do  you say that is both entertaining and informative?  In my case, it's back-announcing the tracks and reminding people of ways to get in touch with the show (which nobody ever does, barr

To All Intents And Purposes

This is one of those awkward moments in life where you have a fantastic idea and know full well that, somewhere down the road, you'll lose interest or run out of time.  Over the years, I've had, and tried to maintain, several blogs and usually run into the brick wall of "nothing to say" and just abandoned them (or, in one case, the domain name expired and so did my will to carry on) But I've now got to the a stage in my life where I can't afford a mid-life crisis, and God knows I would love a motorbike, and even women my own age take one look at me and I can hear their vagina's welding themselves shut.  So, in my infinite wisdom and unparalleled powers of decision making, I've decided to start a blog and promise  to keep it updated as best I can.  Having said that, I tried that with smoking and have had an on/off relationship with them like that ex that keeps taking you back, despite the fact that you know the "relationship" is toxic and you&