To All Intents And Purposes

This is one of those awkward moments in life where you have a fantastic idea and know full well that, somewhere down the road, you'll lose interest or run out of time.  Over the years, I've had, and tried to maintain, several blogs and usually run into the brick wall of "nothing to say" and just abandoned them (or, in one case, the domain name expired and so did my will to carry on)

But I've now got to the a stage in my life where I can't afford a mid-life crisis, and God knows I would love a motorbike, and even women my own age take one look at me and I can hear their vagina's welding themselves shut.  So, in my infinite wisdom and unparalleled powers of decision making, I've decided to start a blog and promise to keep it updated as best I can.  Having said that, I tried that with smoking and have had an on/off relationship with them like that ex that keeps taking you back, despite the fact that you know the "relationship" is toxic and you'll end up leaving again.

I promised myself I'd grow up when I was 30.  I'd dick around and have some fun while I could and worry about settling down later.  That was not something that happened until to my first marriage and the birth of my son aged 31.  By that I mean I was 31, not my son...he didn't suddenly appear as a fully grown man.  That would have killed his mother or, at the very least, put her fanny out of use for life.

The last 12 years have been a bit of a wilderness.  I've suffered mental health issues for at least 22 years and these have gotten worse over time, although I've always managed to cope.  Barring the obvious episodes of life, I've got on with life in the best way my head, and surroundings, let me.  This isn't me saying "Yay! Look at me! I did it!".  In fact, it's just plain honesty.  I'm not going to sit here, write this and pretend that my life is a bowl of cherries or that I've had such a hard life I deserve "you ok hun?" every ten minutes.  Yes, I've had a great life, with the occasion shower of soft brown organic matter.  Yes, I've hit the bottom so many times it's a wonder my face isn't as flat as a gravestone and, yes, I've got through it.

But hasn't everyone?

Anyone that has the capability of reading this has endured the highs and lows that is life.  I'm nobody special.  I have a temper that can be so vicious it scares me.  I can make people cry with laughter and I can be great company.  Or I can be a loner.

But, do you know something?

I'm a rainbow in somebody's cloud.  I make someone happy just by them hearing my name, seeing my face, or hearing my voice.

That'll do for me, cocker...that'll do...

When somebody is going through a storm, be the cottage they can shelter in.
When somebody is feeling like the last human on the planet, prove them wrong.
When somebody thinks they're a pot plant...well...I think you need to avoid them.

Be you, be there for them, be honest, funny, miserable, a liar.  Basically just BE

And now the news and weather where you are...


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