A Teabag On A Washing Line

(pic: Christopher J via http://www.fubiz.net/en/2014/09/27/surreal-photography-by-christopher-j-2/)

I knew it, and I think you did too.

I start a new blog and there's a huge gap in-between posts.  It's not that I have nothing to say, it's just that life got in the way and I went deaf in one ear over the weekend.

I woke up on Saturday morning and I couldn't hear much in my left ear.  I thought it might be down to earwax so I whipped out the Otex and dropped some into the affected ear.  Nothing much happened but it seemed to clear later in the day.  Then I woke up this morning and the same thing happened, so I repeated the Otex and still nothing.  Normally this wouldnt bother me but the fact I can hear chewing, swallowing etc amplified is annoying the buggery out of me, not to mention the constant tinnitus.

I hope I can get an emergency appointment with the Doctor tomorrow or I'll have to do a Van Gogh and cut the bloody thing off.  (On second thoughts, that wouldn't remove the ear itself, just the cartilage around it, which means I'd hear less than before...best not do that)

I have, of course, done some research into what it could possibly be and the only thing I saw that matched what I might have is "glue ear", which seems to be fluid behind the eardrum that should sod off in its own time, but as I'm not medically qualified, ill be checking with the doctor tomorrow (or maybe a pharmacist if I can't get an appointment tomorrow)

I mean, i'm pretty useless as a radio presenter as it is, but i'll be even more useless with hearing in one bloody ear!  Especially as some of the track I play on the show are "dual mono" (singing on one side and the music on the other)

Time will tell what it actually is, but I hope it does one quickly because the tinnitus is the worst part of it.

Could be worse mind.  At time of writing, my radio colleague is in hospital in pain with a needle in his hand ON HIS 50TH BIRTHDAY getting checked out for kidney stones.  He might have to have a laser up his old chap to get rid of them if they are there.

And how is YOUR day?



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